Ordinary Americans Doing Extraordinary Things for Herman Cain

What a wonderful day yesterday was meeting Herman Cain, Mark Block and the other members of the Cain campaign staff!  My first interaction occurred while I was standing in front of the Russian Tea Room holding my sign of support for Herman Cain.  Mark Block and two campaign workers came out to have a cigarette. I followed them to where they were standing and introduced myself and we began talking.  I told them about the tremendous volunteer army of Cain supporters hard at work in the social media and other arenas spreading the news about Herman Cain.  Mark Block and the other two staff members (I can’t remember names-my bad) were very engaging and really interested in what I was telling them.   They even took note of my twitter handle and are now following me.  We spoke about 10-15 minutes before they had to return to the fundraiser.

My second interaction occurred when I was standing in front of Club 101 with my sign.  Mark Block came outside and even remembered
my name and we talked some more.  While we were talking, Cathy Vasilikos a Cain supporter who was with me in front of the Tea Room earlier in the day, arrived.  Mark Block asked us if we would like to meet Mr. Cain, and of course our  answer was yes.  He said once Mr. Cain arrived he would come out and get us.  A short time later, another Cain supporter Jean arrived and joined Cathy and I waving our signs of support for Cain for the media camped out there.  A little while later, the deputy campaign manager came out and brought us into Club 101.  The campaign staff couldn’t have been nicer or more down to earth.  They treated us like we were on the VIP list, which of course we were not.  We met and
talked with David Webb from Tea Party 365 and frequent FOX news guest, while we awaited Herman’s arrival.  What a terrific guy David is!

After a short while, Herman Cain arrived.  Before he went into the reception area, he greeted us.  I asked him if I could give him a hug or would he be too afraid.  Everyone laughed and then he said to me “of course you can give me a hug, you come right over here and give me a hug”.  I gave him a great big bear hug and told him how sorry I was that he was being attacked in such a vicious manner. Then Cathy and Jean followed my lead in hugging Mr. Cain.  Herman then offered to autograph our signs and asked one of his staff to take pictures for us. We all told him to keep fighting and not give up and he assured us he intended to do just that and off he went to the reception room.  Mr. Cain, Mark Block and the rest of the staff were so down to earth, engaging and interested in hearing what we had to say.  They really made us feel like we were the guests of honor and it wasn’t
phony.  These people are the epitome of  everyday Americans and everyday Americans should get behind this campaign in a big way.

Now, onto the media we interacted with outside these fundraising events.  There were 3 of us outside the Russian Tea Room with our signs:  Martha Stein, Cathy Vasilikos, and me.  Martha Stein was not yet a Herman Cain supporter for President (hopefully that will change), but she said she came because she was outraged by the smear campaign by the media.  Martha is a true patriot who stands up for the truth and what is right. We were interviewed by various news outlets such as CBS, NBC, FOX, NY Post, NY Observer to name a
few.  Of course they only wanted to talk about the allegations leveled against Mr. Cain.  I don’t think they got what they bargained for because all of us gave them an earful on the disgraceful behavior of the media and the complete lack of credibility of the accusers.  We backed up our comments with facts and didn’t back down from them when they spouted the propaganda. I think they were shocked that we weren’t some “dingy
dames” they could portray as nuts.  I don’t know how they will chop up what we said to try and make us look bad, but so far I haven’t seen any video of us or print stories.

Now it’s time to dispel the myth that Herman Cain couldn’t possibly get any support from New Yorkers.  As we stood on the street in front of the Russian Tea Room we had a chance to interact with many people on the street.  There was the occasional liberal who stuck their tongue out at us, some shook their heads in disgust, and some even ran away as if the boggie man was after them.   However, the overwhelming response of people
walking by (of which there had to be several hundred over a 3 hour period) was one of support for Herman Cain.   There were businessmen, construction workers, cab drivers, young people, middle-aged people and elderly from all walks of life, just average, everyday Americans.  I even had a Hispanic woman from the Bronx ask me how she could get involved and told me that he had a lot of support amongst her community in the Bronx. She said there is  a strong conservative base in the hispanic community and they are fed up with the media painting conservatives as anti-hispanic.  She said the hispanic community who came to our country legally are fed up with the illegal invasion.  She said they are taking away jobs from the people who played by the rules. I asked her if she would like to head up the volunteer effort in the Bronx and she said yes, so I’m going to get her hooked up.  The three most common reasons people told us they supported Herman were the fact that he was a straight talker he’s a businessman and he wasn’t a politician. Regarding the allegations against Herman, the people we spoke to felt it was a smear campaign and gave them no credibility.

Yesterday was a terrific example of how ordinary Americans can do extraordinary things.  It’s time to jump on the Cain Train and have
your own excellent adventure spreading the good news about Herman Cain.  Citizen journalist Lavars checking out for now and getting on with the business of making Herman Cain the next President of the United States.


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14 responses to “Ordinary Americans Doing Extraordinary Things for Herman Cain

  1. Great Job Lady Patriot! NY ❤ Herman Cain!

  2. Herman Cain is my pick, I’ve been watching and have held my support as undecided until about two weeks before the harassment charges surfaced. These claims are patently political inventions, the facts support no other conclusion.

    Mr Cain will be the next president.

  3. Louise

    LOVE THIS! Great job! Herman Cain all the way to the White House!!

  4. Up with Herman Cain! The real Tea Party candidate! Newt sold out the Tea Party candidate last year in NY23 and supported a liberal establishment Republican, killing the Tea Party candidates opportunity, slitting the ticket, and giving the seat to a Democrat! God bless Cain!

  5. WOW! What a story! Very glad to read your accounts and interactions w/ all involved. (Did the campaign manager sign a pack of cigarettes?)

  6. FC4HC

    Of course! People believe him and in him. He said he would break down the illegal immigration problems and create common sense solutions to them. Fixing the path to citizenship combined with economic prosperity. Is a win-win for everybody!

  7. teance

    I’m a little jealous 😉 God Bless Cain! I’ve made this video to support our new president!! Please pass along and enjoy!! http://www.youtube.com/user/teance?feature=mhee

  8. Jules

    HERMAN/NEWT 2012!

  9. theprecinctproject

    Three simple words: digital video cameras. Great report, but imagine if you had video clips of your discussions with the Obama Media folks who interviewed you.
    Thank you.
    Cold Warrior

  10. an article i really enjoyed reading.Two thumbs up.give ya 3 but don’t have one. lol I know a lot of ppl feel this way but some of the folks are fickle and seem to have bought the smears. Hope we continue to fight this and get Mr Cain all the way to the White House!

  11. RD


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